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This version was saved 17 years, 1 month ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Chris Craft
on August 10, 2007 at 2:07:35 pm


by HaMeD!caL


Welcome to our digital storytelling project.



To get started, let's discuss the requirements of the project:


  1. It must involve students from 10 - 13 years old.
  2. You must be able to publish six stories.
  3. The stories must be in English or have subtitles in English.


With me so far?


Ok, so you agree to the first three requirements. Read the parameters for the assignment.


Sound interesting?


Want to be a part of this? Can you meet the requirements posted above and you're ok with the parameters? Good. Let's go.


How to be involved:


  1. Talk to your student about the project. Make sure they (and you) understand the requirements and can meet the end date. Wiki pages including six videos must be uploaded and "watchable" by October 31, 2007.
  2. Create a page for your school following the creating a page instructions.
  3. Create your stories after reading the story requirements. 
  4. Upload your stories following the editing a page instructions.
  5. Watch the other schools' stories.
  6. Make sure to add your school to our frappr map!



If you have any problems, questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me

using either the comments link above or my contact form.


The official blog tag for this project is lifewhereyouare07 if you post about it somewhere.


Thanks for checking out our project!


Chris Craft





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